Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Social Security

Hey remember that quote from Tom Tomorrow yesterday? The one where he commented on the trustworthiness of those who want to reform social security? Well as day follows night we get evidence for his point of view. Star Parker writes an article entitled "End Social Security." Guess what? Ms. Parker has been involved in several planned Social Security reforms. Don't trust me? I don't blame you, but here are her own words!
I have been involved with Social Security reform for almost 10 years, as an advisory-committee member of the Cato Institute's project dealing with reforming Social Security and, more recently, with Jack Kemp's efforts to advance the idea of enacting private retirement accounts.

In my view, there is only one honest approach to Social Security: fulfill obligations to pay benefits to those who have already paid in and allow the rest of us as quick and expeditious an exit out as possible. Then shut the doors forever.

So you see the idea that some of the people working to "save" social security are actually planning to destroy it isn't such a ridiculous idea after all.

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