Saturday, June 05, 2004

Your Weekly Rush

Rush chose to respond to a comment by Teresa Heinz Kerry on Friday. Rush began with this unusual statement. "Well, we haven't talked about Teresa Heinz Kerry recently. I've been trying to deal with this in a kid-glove, hands-off kind of way, you know? Because you're not supposed to "hit" the girl. You're not supposed to "attack" the girl, still no matter what the girl does, you can't."

I'm sure that will come as some comfort to Hillary Clinton. Rush goes on to use the old Conservative technique of making words mean whatever you want them to mean.

"Her most direct attack came on the subject of patriotism. 'One of the saddest things about this administration is its cynical attempt to equate patriotism with singing in the president's amen chorus,' she said. 'The Americans I have met are tired of being told it is unpatriotic to question this president and his administration's policies.'"

Teresa, nobody is saying that about them. It's their own guilt. It's their own guilt giving voice to that. Nobody is accusing them of that. You guys are trying to redefine "patriotism" so that's what it means. Let's be honest here. The left is trying to redefine "patriotism" as criticizing the president.

See? It's my own guilty conscience that's causing me to remember Rush saying that the goals of the Democratic Party and the goals of al-Qaeda are the same in the November Election. It's my own guilty conscience that's causing me to remember Rush suggesting that if I were a terrorist supporter I'd be doing exactly what I am doing.

But see that's the game we are playing, because pretty often Rush will preface one of these clear attacks on Democrats / Liberals patriotism by saying "Now I'm not questioning anybody's patriotism." See how that works?

"Now I'm not questioning President Bush's Patriotism, but I think he puts the needs of big business over the needs of the country."

"Now I'm not questioning Rush Limbaugh's Patriotism, but I think he doesn't give a damn about the damage he's inflicting on this country and only cares about having his nice townhouse in New York City and his mansion in Palm Beach, FL."

See? But of course for grown-ups I have, in fact, questioned their patriotism. What is patriotism? According to Websters, some definitions might be "Love of country; devotion to the welfare of one's country" Have I questioned Mr. Limbuaghs and President Bush's love of their country, or devotion to the welfare of the country? Clearly I have.

Reminds me of a Simpsons bit.

Lawyer: Will you tell the court your whereabouts at the time of the
Willie: I was alone in me Unabomber-style shack; I had nothing to do with
that carjacking.
Lawyer: Carjacking?! Who said anything about a carjacking?
[galley and jury murmurs]
Willie: But, didn't you just say--?
Lawyer: *I'll* ask the questions here, Carjacker Willie!

At any rate, Mr. Limbaugh, I know when my patriotism is being questioned. You can say black is white all day long if that's what you and your fans want, but I, and many others, know that it's black.

The sun's not yellow it's chicken.

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