Saturday, June 12, 2004

Once upon a DreamCon Pt. 2

Well yesterday was interesting. Went to a panal discussion with Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, which was a bit depressing. Like all writers they stood up and said "Well, nobody makes any money in the writing game (except us of course), so you might as well give up right now."

Interesting to note the dynamic between the two; Pournelle is obviously a bit more of a businessman than Larry Niven.

Then I went to a room on where comics are going where I got under the panelists skin by mentioning CrossGen. What are you going to do?

Then I played a five hour game of Vampire the Resurrection which was annoying. There was a lot of good stuff, but it turns out little annoying kids come to these science fiction conventions as well, and one of them played with us.

They are also having some sort of boating convention here in town. So I took a picture of a boat. Here it is.

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