Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Alexandra Polier

If you are interested in the story of Alexandra Polier, the intern whom Matt Drudge acccused of of having an affair with John Kerry you might want to check out this article.

Nice to know what Drudge and the others who promoted this story are made of. Of course, it's also know to meet, in a literary sense, Ms. Alexandra Polier who stikes me as a good writer and a very human person.

Here's a touching bit.

"One reporter had a little girl call up, assuming I wouldn’t hang up on a child. They even made her say, “Can I talk to Alex?” And when I said, “Yes, it’s me,” a reporter jumped on the line. CNN’s Zain Verjee wrote beseeching notes, slipping them under the front gate. It was like a horror movie where the zombies are on the other side of the door and then an arm comes through the window."

By touching, I, of course, meant stomach cramp inducing. Still she was a Democrat and a Kerry supporter, so presumably most Limbaugh Conservatives are happy with this kind of thing.

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