Thursday, January 09, 2003

War may no Longer be Inevitable

Steve Chapman, writing at, published a column today on the potential of war in Iraq. His conclusion--unless the Inspectors come up with something soon, we might not be able to invade. By committing himself to working through the United Nations, Bush opened himself up for this. He comments, "the administration would have to justify going to war to punish Hussein for transgressions that no one has been able to prove. To the rest of the world, Bush would be in the position of holding a trial and then hanging the defendant after his acquittal."

Conservatives have certainly laid the ideological groundwork for him to attack without provocation and to ignore the UN. In this sense, however, I don't think that's what Bush will do. He and his advisors must realize that such an action would be terrible for how the United States looks in the world.

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