Friday, May 28, 2004

'Round the Horn Issue 15 - Lobsters Ate My Femur

Not sure what that title means, but it came to me, so I had to put it up there. At any rate, check out these other bloggers.

Steve Bates, The Yellow Doggerel Democrat has the scoop on another useful technique our soldiers are using to extract information from a people we are trying to liberate. We're taking hostages, apparently.

bloggg has an interesting and well written reaction to Dr. Cosby's speech earlier in the week.

Kick the Leftist has a well reasoned response to those who would argue that we should spend less time on Abu Ghraib and more time on Nick Berg. He also has a great post on the Washington Time's coverage of Bush's falling off a bike.

Ricks Cafe Americaine has a piece on the passing of Doug Pappas.

Sooner Thought has a piece on efforts to get Rush Limbaugh off of Armed Forces Radio. While I generally take a hardline against censorship in any form, this might be a special case due to the lack of balance (there's no aggressively liberal counterbalance to Rush's rantings), and due to the lack of media options available in the armed services.

Echidne of the Snakes has a bit on advertising, and how it sometimes promotes values that run counter to sanity.

Rooks Rant has a comparison of President Bush to a certain Monty Python Character.

Respectful of Otters has an interesting point on the idea of government privatizing their services. Namely, there is a conflict between the companies need to protect it's secret and the publics right to know what's going on with their money. She also has a good follow up post here.

blogAmy has an anecdote on unsolicited phone calls, and an intriguing question related to said anecdote.

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