Friday, May 21, 2004

Around the Horn

And Then . . . has the somewhat shocking revelation that there might be a bit of corruption in the Bush Administration. This case specifically involves a pro Bush Press release presented as actual news.

Bark Bark Woof Woof has a piece on the new Kerry Campaign Slogan "Let America be America Again."

It's Craptastic! has a bluesy little riff involving Diebold's Voting Machines and the movie High Fidelity.

Trish Wilson's Blog has a philosophical exploration of the concepts of envy and jealousy, coupled with Jante's Laws and the intractable nature of human nature.

Speedkill has an article on Kerry's supposed Flip-Flops and how they are not really anything of the sort.

The Fulcrum has a story about how the Abu Ghraib Prison story and the perceived lack of forthrightness on the part of the American Press might taint other stories in the middle east (such as the reported attack on a wedding party).

Steve Gilliard's News Blog has a piece on the aforementioned attack on a wedding party.

Collective Sigh suggests another parallel between Iraq and Vietnam.

Iddybud has a treatise on Michael Savage. I don't deal much with Michael Savage because he kind of freaks me out, but he is just as much a part of the right wing hate machine as Ann Coulter, and important in his own way.

And check out the rest of the Liberal Coalition, as well as our new main page.

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