Friday, October 25, 2019

The Neverending War

David Limgaugh's latest article starts with an interesting statement.
Ever since Trump's presidential announcement, leftists have been plotting and scheming against him.
What makes that so hypocritical is that of course we have - just as Republicans plotted and schemed and broke political norms to take down President Obama.  That's what you do.  From my perspective Republicans and Conservatives have a lot of bad ideas - and I am opposed to them putting those ideas into practice.   Most Republicans and Conservatives would feel the same about my ideas (but just to be clear, I'm right and they are not). 

One key difference between Trump and former Republican Presidents is that Trumps ideas are explicitly racist. 

Of course the big difference between Liberals and Conservatives, as Limbaugh points out, is that Republicans and Conservatives are dedicated to wiping Liberals out. 
In the very beginning of the book, I dispel the myth that the political left and conservatives share the same goals for America but just have different ideas about how to achieve them. If this were ever true before, which I highly doubt, it is demonstrably false now.
So that's that - liberals are dangerous monsters that need to be dealt with.  I can't speak for all Democrats or Liberals but we don't actually want to get rid of Conservatives or Republicans.  You see we actually do believe that Americans with different view points and political philosophies can share a nation. 

If Limbaugh doesn't, maybe that says more about Limbaugh than Liberals. 

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