Friday, October 11, 2019

Fundamental Changes to Our Country

David Limbaugh, brother to Rush, has an article excoriating Joe Biden that will surely play to those who hate Democrats and Liberals reflexively but won't convince many others. 
It is unbearably rich for any modern Democratic leader to admonish us about threats to the Constitution. One of Obama's central missions was to undermine our system as founded -- to fundamentally transform this nation.
What makes this claim interesting is that a lot of the policies that Democrats and Liberals suggest are pretty popular.  Obama acted within the Constitution - frankly to a fault.  After Sen. McConnel determined he would not hold a vote on any nomination of President Obama, there was an argument to be made that by refusing to hold a vote, they were, in effect, leaving it up to the President.  President Obama could have done that to either force a vote or to get one of his nominees on the bench; but he didn't.  The law wasn't clear so he erred (and I do mean erred) on the side of caution.   That's what Democrats do. 

One way to look at the government is that it is a machine to produce justice, and that it will produce justice if everybody plays by the rules.  Sometimes your policies go through and sometimes they are rejected, but as long as the machine is maintained properly it's fine. 

The other way to look at is that we all basically know what a good society might look like, and if the machine isn't producing a good society, than it must be busted and we should bang on it until it works right (this isn't original, I'm cribbing from ideas in this video from Innuendo Studios). 

Limbaugh doesn't care about a fair system, he cares about a system that gives him what he wants.  Despite the increasing evidence that Trump and his surrogates leaned on the Ukraine, he doesn't care.  What he cares about is defeating liberals and returning America to the happy days of the 1950s (society wise, I doubt he wants to bring back Eisenhower era tax rates). 

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