Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Into the Filth Pt 1

Of what will be an ongoing series where I take an article and look through the comments - sometimes this is illuminating, more often its depressing.

Logically there is no way to provide more health care for more people and the resulting more operations, office visits and procedures without the cost going up. You have to be either a mush head or totally dishonest to claim otherwise. I would say Ms Warren is in the liar group.
This is from a poster named Michael Mitchell - and well, I do think I spot a mushhead. His assertion that it is illogical that we could get more healthcare without paying more falls apart when you know (as I do and as anybody should) that the left's contention is that there is a lot of waste created by an inefficient profit-driven health insurance system overlayed on our health care. And if we are going to be this simplistic let's ask an obvious question - the Insurance Companies get your money regardless of whether or not they provide services - so what incentive do they have to provide good services? Rather don't they have a clear motivation to provide the cheapest healthcare they can get away with?
Moderate Democrats ceded control of the Party to sociopaths decades ago; it took the election of Donald Trump to expose this fact to everyone.
That's from TCop19. Sociopaths, eh? The sort of monsters that might put children in cages for example? Or the sort of people that might withhold military aid to an ally in order to force investigation of a political rival? Yep the election of Donald Trump exposed a lot of things.
Democrats are just communists in disguise. They won't call themselves communists because too many people still remember how miserable and murderous communism was in Russia and still is in China and North Korea.
That one from Justdale just depresses me, because it reveals the truth I know but I don't want to accept - that for many on the right they aren't capable of seeing the truth. They have demonized the left so thoroughly that they are only capable of seeing democrats as the enemy who are working to destroy America. How can you share a country with such people. If we say "Democrats want more effective democracy and workers rights and environmental protections" and conservatives say "Democrats want to destroy America because they hate everything about it" what compromise is possible. Do we admit we only want to half destroy America?

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