Monday, October 21, 2019

A Stroke of Pure Genius

You remember last week when the White House press secretary Mick Mulvaney frankly admitted that there was a quid pro quo between the Ukranian government and the White House, and then scant hours later denied that there was any quid pro quo?   Sure you do - he clearly stated that the White House held up aid money in order to pressure the Ukraine into investigating Joe Biden and the DNC.   And spent the rest of the week and weekend pretending that's not what he did. 

You might have thought that would be pretty embarrassing - but you don't have the deep political understanding of Kevin McCullough.  He notes that most people think that Maculvey really screwed up
Excuse me if I disagree.
It was a stroke of pure genius on the administration’s part. And for the record they would do themselves a huge favor by continuing this practice for the duration of Pelosi’s faux impeachment.
In fairness it appears that McCullough is focusing on the idea that elections have consequences and that corruption of our political processes is fine because the Democrats are way worse.  This goes back to a truly bizarre conspiracy theory that data that proves the Russians were working for Clinton ended up on a server in the Ukraine, and that if the White House had access to that server they could prove that it was Clinton who was the real villain. 

In an election that she lost.  Three years ago. 

President Trump laid out a Quid Pro Quo doing things that he wasn't allowed to do - but he did them anyway.   The unlawful actions of an out of control President who is willing to strong arm or beg other countries to help dig up dirt on his political rivals is despicable.   And if we give him another 4 years in office I would be very afraid of the consequences. 

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