Monday, October 14, 2019

Hating America

Kurt Schlichter's latest article is about why the Elite hates the Trump Doctrine.  Let's get one thing out of the way right off the bat.  The very idea that Trump has any kind of Trump Doctrine is hilarious.  His mind doesn't work that way - he knows what he wants and he wants to trample anything that keeps him from getting what he wants - to pretend that's a doctrine is . . . stretching the definition of a doctrine.

He begins his editorial thus.
Americans are sick of always getting handed the bill for some lame ruling caste priority, whether it’s paying for the privilege of defending Europe on behalf of ungrateful continentals or funding the weird climate religion or letting China get rich off of gutting our industries. Mostly, we are sick of shipping our magnificent warriors off to die in ill-conceived, poorly-planned, ineptly-executed wars where we ended up shedding our boys’ (and girls’) blood refereeing fights that go back a dozen centuries.
This is of course in relation to our abandonment of the Kurds and our willingness to let the Turkish government slaughter them.  The Kurds fought along side us during the recent campaigns against the Taliban and Isis, and many of them gave their lives.  You think that would incur upon us some sort of obligation, but not in Schlichter's mind.  In his mind, the value of America upholding our obligations is very small indeed.

I don't think I'd go to dinner with Schlichter - I feel like I'd be left with the check no matter what he claimed.

He disguises this stark reality with a lot of rhetoric about how much elites hate Trump and hate "real" Americans, and how our real goal is to is to put America last. 
. . .the Trump Doctrine – the notion that American power should be directed toward serving the interests of the American people – is a coherent foreign policy vision of the kind we have not had in the United States for decades.
In case you are wondering Schlichter is no fan of Reagan or Bush.  Here's the thing, this, when it comes to the Kurds, is not serving the interests of the American people.  It is teaching the world that America can't be trusted, that deals with us end in betrayal (something they already suspected).  What happens if everytime you go out to lunch with someone they stick you with the bill?  Eventually you stop going out to lunch with that person.  We might well need allies in the Middle East, and our decision to let the Kurds get wiped out is not in America's best interests. 

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