Saturday, January 10, 2004

Your Weekly Rush

Well, Rush thinks that Conservatives are pissed off at President Bush. He brings up the old bugaboo of the Education Bill, passed a long time . . . well why don't I just let Rush tell it.

"Take the president's education bill. It spends more than any on education, yet the administration has seen states "sitting on billions of federal dollars" according to AP. Furthermore, "Two Democrats who helped secure bipartisan support for the law - Sen. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts and Rep. George Miller of California - accused the administration of false claims and broken promises." So Bush enrages his supporters while trying to buy support from Democrats, and they're still out there calling him a heartless jerk who hates children."

Yep. Well Rush stretches the truth a bit. The truth is that President Bush's budget starved his own program; that is why Seanaters Kennedy and Miller were upset.

On the other hand, Rush had this cheerful news.

"Conservatives are not interested in the Republican Party or a "big tent." Conservatives are interested in the country, the Constitution, limited government, personal liberty, low taxes, a strong military and national security. Conservatives believe that they are the loyal supporters who worked, voted and contributed money for Bush, yet ever since his inauguration they've seen him ignoring them and reaching out to his enemies. They think Bush cares more about pleasing his political foes than his friends. They feel taken for granted."

I hear there's this libertarian party, maybe these dissapointed Conservatives should look at that. Or, even better, maybe they should force President Bush into putting some of their more extreme suggestions into his platform (this is a long shot. Karl Rove knows that the Conservatives are always going to support President Bush, because he's the only game in town, essentially).

Still, it is nice to see Rush encouraging his followers to be discouraged with President Bush.

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