Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Bush in 30 Seconds

Well, Ben Shapiro, Boy Prognosticator (and for those who don't know why I call him that, click here), has a lot of fun mocking the finalists in the Bush in 30 Seconds contest.

Take this laughter filled passage. "Charlie Fisher's "Child's Pay" depicts young children as janitors, manual laborers, sanitation workers and grocery clerks. "Guess who's going to pay off president Bush's $1 trillion deficit?" the graphic asks. Apparently, street urchins breaking child labor laws." Yep, that's right Ben, think literally. Who do you think is going to end up paying off our deficit? Well, assuming we eventually elect someone with the smarts to work on the project, won't it end up being taxpayers, including our children?

Another ad, my personal favorite, "What are we teaching our Children?" shows children mimicking George W. Bush. Of course Ben has the right answer to concerns about what our children are learning about government. "Here's a solution liberals can handle: abort the children. End of problem." You see, that makes sense because theirs nothing Liberals love more than killing children. Unless of course that's crap (which, for those of you playing along at home, it is).

Ben Shapiro accuses two ads ("Human Cost of War" and "Bring 'em on") of taking quotes out of context. I'm afraid, Ben, if you put them back in context it becomes worse.

He also mentions "Bush's Repair Shop." "President Bush and Vice President Cheney are portrayed as mechanics, destroying a car they are charged with fixing. The car is beaten to smithereens, symbolizing America's destruction at the hands of this diabolical duo. At least when Republicans destroy a car, they don't do it by going off a bridge and leaving a woman in the back seat." Yep. Because the Democratic Party should be force to wear Chappaquiddick around their necks like an albatross. Even though that terrible accident happened over a year before I was born I am as guilty as as if I had been there, merely for being a liberal. Or so young Ben would like me to believe. But it doesn't seem very plausible to me.

Anyway for those who want to view the videos, or who want smaller videos of the ones I linked to above, here's the link.

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