Tuesday, January 06, 2004

A Taste of the Future

Cal Thomas rides, er, writes again. After berating the Bush administration for even considering charity towards Iran (which lost 30,000 people, he reveals an outline for the future.

"What might hasten "regime change" in Iran and elsewhere in the region is a proposal contained in a "manual for victory" written by Richard Perle, a Defense Department strategist and an architect in the war on terrorism, and David Frum, a former Bush speechwriter. Part of a new book, "An End to Evil: Strategies for Victory in the War on Terror," the document calls for regime change in Syria and Iran and a Cuba-style blockade of North Korea backed by planning for a preemptive strike on its nuclear sites. The manifesto also calls for Saudi Arabia and France to be treated not as allies but as rivals and possibly enemies.

The United States has two options. It can fail to follow through on its initial blow in Iraq, thus empowering and encouraging America's enemies everywhere, or it can deal a knockout blow to terrorism by finishing the job.

So that's pretty plain isn't it? Reelecting President Bush should, in Cal Thomas's mind, lead to at least two more gulf war style conflicts, and possibly a third against North Korea. Because this will lead to victory over terrorism. So if you want a lot more war, vote for President Bush.

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