Thursday, January 08, 2004

Religion and Politics; Two Great Tastes that don't Go Together


According to Cal Thomas at any rate, who is the last person I would expect to suggest this. But there it is. Pat Robertson's recent communique from God on Presidents Bush's sure-fire reelection has pushed him to make this statement.

"The idea that God would reach down and prophesy an election outcome to one man, who then says President Bush could even do wrong and God would keep him in office, offers joke material to Leno and Letterman and brings the Christian Gospel into further disrepute before unbelievers. It could also put a lot of pundits out of work!

. . .Could we please return to the issues and put everyone back in the camp with which he is most familiar? Otherwise, politicians and religious leaders are asking for jokes like the one from Barry Lynn of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, who said, "Maybe Pat (Robertson) got a message from (Bush political advisor) Karl Rove and thought it was from God.

Well, for once I agree with Cal Thomas, although I really have a hard time understanding how Robertson's prophecies could put Pundits out of work.

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