Saturday, April 17, 2004

Rush Limbaugh Speaks: I'm coming unglued

From the Rush Limbaugh Show.

"This is just a quick little seven-second segment, short clip of the latest Osama bin Laden tape message.

TRANSLATOR: This is a war that is benefiting major companies with billions of dollars, such as Halliburton and Co.

RUSH: Gee, folks, we have bin Laden now ripping Halliburton. There's one party in this country that mentions Halliburton all the time. Now, as I say, it's easy to say, "Oh, my gosh. Look at what's happening." But it sounds to me, it sounds to me like bin Laden is trying to strengthen and bolster the Democrats' confidence in making this allegation. He's trying -- and in the process -- he is aligning himself with world socialists who hate capitalism and hate big capitalist countries like Halliburton.

A Few Points and a tirade.

1. So what do you think it says that Rush identifies Halliburton as a "big capitalist country?" Any of you ever read William Gibson's Neuromancer? Or even better his "New Rose Hotel?" In them he creates a future world in which corporations have far more power than governments. Perhaps Rush has seen the future.

Some of you might be saying, "Hey Bryant, don't you know that corporations are far more efficient than governments? Frankly they just work better. Plus, you have a little bit of your breakfast on your left . . . no a little bit in towards the mouth . . . there it is."

To which I say, thank you, but also I have to point out that you are comparing an organization dedicated strictly to creating profit to one created, nominally at least, to serve its citizens. You also have to ignore the history of the corporation, which is at least as shameful as the history of the government (assuming we are comparing the US government to US corporations. Anyway something to think about.

2. The Democratic Party is a capitalist party. Any of you who think any differently are wrong. I was initially going to cast aspersions at your mental capabilities, but have decided that given the Conservative Movements insistence that the Democrats are socialists it's understandable if some of you get confused.

But for those of you who don't know--the Democratic Party is staunchly pro-capitalism. If you want to vote for socialism you need to look at, say, the Socialist Party USA, the Socialist Labor Party of America, the Communist Party USA, or, to a lesser extent, the Green Party.

We're sure that, having cleared this up, Conservatives will cease calling the Democratic Party socialist.

3. "But it sounds to me, it sounds to me like bin Laden is trying to strengthen and bolster the Democrats' confidence in making this allegation." There are two ways to look at this argument, I suppose. One is that he is suggesting that the Democratic Party is taking its cues from al-Queda. If I believed that the Democratic Party was taking advice from bin Laden, I would resign. Fortunately, here on planet Earth, I know that they aren't.

The other is the idea that if a despicable evil monstrous human being like Osama bin Laden says something, whatever it is must be evil and wrong. Pretty much sight unseen. OBL doesn't like Halliburton, therefore Halliburton must be great (despite, of course, the evidence of our eyes). This is a bit childish and myopic. It must occur to every thoughtful person that one can find a despicable person to support every position.

4. Finally, this is more of a reminder. President Bush and his White House (particularly Vice President Cheney) have identified themselves with Rush Limbaugh. If you want to know how the President and his counselors feel about the issues of the day turn on Rush Limbaugh.

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