Monday, April 26, 2004

Round the Horn

Steve Gilliard has a post about the current mantra of finishing the job in Iraq. I don't necessarily agree with his take on the issue, but it is well written and reasoned.

Echidne of the Snakes has another one of those heart-warming stories about capitalistic inventiveness.

Musings Musing has a great, well, musing on being a Christian Liberal. Anybody who thought "Isn't that an oxymoron?" please go put your nose in a corner for a half hour.

New World Blogger also has some thoughts on the subject, relating to how deeply we really construct our beliefs or philosophies.

Archy has further comments on the subject of religion and politics, and also provides a handy guide to understanding why this is an issue all of a sudden.

Respectful of Otters got the rare privilege of visiting an alternate reality where Josiah Bartlet (of The West Wing) is president. Sounds pretty cool.

Edwardpig has another interesting tidbit about our most heroic of presidents and his appearence before the 9/11 commission.

The Invisible Library has a great story about that monsterous terrorist, Morrissey. It's horrific, the things he can do. I remember how depressed I was listening to "Heaven Know's I'm Miserable Now" (I remember how much I identified with the line "I was Looking for a job and I found a job, and Heaven's know's I'm miserable now.") Isn't depression another way of being terrorized?

And that's it for this session; tune in later when we'll be playing the greatest hits of 1973.

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