Friday, December 20, 2002

The Saudi's are Coming! The Saudi's Are Coming!

Good news everybody. Ben Shapiro, Boy Prognosticator, has determined that the Saudi's are pure evil. Yes, unlike most people or races or nations, which contain a mixture of good and evil, the Saudi's specially evil nature makes them 100% evil. Young Ben's het up about the fact that some people in Saudi Arabia are sponsoring programs on American Universities, mostly to increase understanding between the east and the west. You might naively think that, given the nature of the world right now, and the conflicts between our two cultures, a better understanding of how Islamic people's look at the world might be positive. Ah but your forgetting, the Saudi's are pure evil. Hence their is nothing to understand. Anybody who tries to understand Middle Eastern people (outside of Israel) risks being contaminated by their pure evil. These Saudi Funded programs must be shut down immediately. To avoid the risk of contamination, we had probably better destroy all universities as well.

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