Monday, December 16, 2019

Death Division and Destruction.

Let's take a look at Jake Hoffman's latest article.
The modern Democratic Party has become the party of death, division and destruction. Presently, Democrats are actively working to divide and destroy our communities, our churches, our children’s innocence, our prosperity, our industry, our culture, our president, our presumption of innocence and expectation of due process, our Constitution and rule of law, and, quite frankly, our entire way of life.
This isn’t hyperbole, it’s reality, and it’s a reality that should sadden every honest, altruistic American to their very core.
But as a Democrat I am guessing that Hoffman doesn't consider me an honest altruistic American.

How do you make peace with someone who believes that?  What sort of truce could we work out?   He's determined that people like me aren't just wrong but are evil - and as such, even if he were willing to make peace on some issues, he's still dedicated to wiping me and people like me out.   I understand disagreeing without being disagreeable, but how do you do that when they are starting from a place of "America would be better off without you."

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