Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Into the Filth Part 2 - Happy Holidays and Loosing The Thread

So Dennis Pragers latest article is about how Leftists want to destroy Christmas - what an original idea for an article.  But, as is the point to these Into the Filth articles, lets look at the comments. 

And quickly we see them loosing the thread - moving from a celebration of Christmas to attacking people who don't speak English in public.  This comes from ERIC who certainly makes some calm and reasoned language.
Nope! I for one don't believe any foreigners language should be allowed in AMERICA! First you came here! We didn't go to your country and try to install ENGLISH! SO you should learn English, so you can communicate with AMERICANS CITIZEN. Speak it at home not in public!
I wonder what ERIC would say if he heard some people speaking Navaho - but I feel like I can guess.   At any rate, I find it baffling that this is an extended discussion on an article about how Leftists are destroying Christmas.

Then there is this exchange between Legoge47 and Andy Maxwell.
I like "After Thanksgiving Day Sale" I hope that will catch on rather than "Black Friday." That has a negative connotation to me.
Actually blacks thought it meant that they could freely loot and steal from businesses on the day after Thanksgiving.
OK - now that's pretty blatant.  I should add a disclaimer that although it appears that some hard core conservatives who participate on Townhall are racist or xenophobic - I am sure that there are at least some who aren't racist or xenophobic. 

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