Friday, August 21, 2009

News From the Past - August 21, 1929

Here's a nice little story from the Moberly Monitor-Index and Moberly Evening Democrat, originating in Moberly, Missouri. Yes that is the full name of the paper apparently.
Negro Arrested on
Charge of Possessing
Intoxicating Liquor

Riley Jackson, negro, was caught last night at his home on Homer street, pouring what the officers declared to be corn liquor from a galIon bottle into a half-pint bottle. The front door of the Jackson house was open and City Officers McAdams and Cleeton happened to be in the neighborhood at that particular time.
Jackson was arrested on a charge of possession of corn liquor and was turned over to the state auhtorities.
I like that they specify that it was intoxicating; I guess it is an important distinction. Had Mr. Jackson been pouring non-intoxicating liquor I guess he would have been ok.

I also wonder what the arresting officers were doing; I mean if you leave your door open is that really an invitation for the Police to march in and see if you are doing anything illegal? Or did they see Jackson doing his nefarious pouring and say "That certainly constitutes a crime in progress. Let's go."

Nefarious pouring would be a good name for an album.

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