Wednesday, August 19, 2009

News From the Past - August 19, 1929

Haven't done this in a while. This is from the Chester Times, from Chester,PA, which I'm sure I've used before.

Finds Tariff Bill Complete
as to Rates, But Debate
Is Postponed
Only Handful of Members
Present; House Not
WASHINGTON, Aug. 19—(I.N.S.) Reassembling after a ten weeks' vacation from its special farm relief session, the Senate today found the new $700,000,000 tarrif bill, completed as to rates, but with debate on it postponed until after Labor Day.
Only Vice President Curtis, a handful of party leaders and the regular attaches were present for the brief session. Under a gentleman's agreement, the Senate will recess from time to time until September 4 without transacting any but routine business. The reccesses will run from Monday to Thursday and Thursday to Monday.
Tho House meanwhile continued on vacation. It will return September 16 only to face the prospect of anotherlong vacation until after the Senate has passed the teriff measure.
This is one of those stories that reads more interestingly if you think about what is coming down the pick - we are not that long from the start of the great Depression. Of course it also makes an interesting contrast to what is currently going on.

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