Saturday, October 30, 2004


Three days left in this election. It feels like everything has been focused on this moment--only in true Chinese water fashion, there's a pretty damn good chance the election won't be over for a couple of months. We do our part and then the lawyers on both sides take their crack at it. Democrat Lawyers arguing that every vote should count, Republican Lawyers saying "vote fraud" over and over again like automatons. Hopefully the margin of victory will be wide enough that this won't happen, but who knows what the future holds.

Electoral Vote.Com
has Bush at 480 votes and Kerry at 243. They also have a suspect methodology but since they are currently giving Florida to George W. Bush, I feel more positive toward them.

But part of their suspect methodology is that they rely on polls, which may very well be totally wrong. Beyond the usual problems, there are thousands of new voters this time. The Wall Street Journal, if memory serves, suggested that we had 1.5 million new voters here in Florida. Republicans, taking a glass is half empty approach, see millions of new voters as a bad thing, suggesting that it must be due to Voter Fraud.

By the way if you are Black I would get to the polls early, as Republicans have a pretty specific idea on what color of skin those most likely to commit voter fraud. It may make some of you uncomfortable that I would hint at racism in the Republican Party. So let's not hint. The Republican Party, the party of Lincoln, would rather not see Black People voting in this election, and they will challenge black voters at every opportunity.

They'd rather not have any poor people voting, but it's too complicated at the polls to ask voters to pull out their bank statements. So they'll focus on the blacks.

Anyway the whole thing is driving me nuts. I'm like angry 90% of the day. I just can't understand living in a nation that looks at George W. Bush, looks at his record over the last 4 years, and says "Sign Me Up for four years of that." What the hell is wrong with you people?

I don't need to catalog his failures again; we all know them. I suspect even most conservatives know them. Part of me is surprised that they are fighting so hard for a second term. The check for President Bush's massive failures is going to come due in the second term, and you'd think they would want to be out of the restaurant before that hits the table.

Of course that begs the question, if the next term really is going to be such a disaster why do I want Kerry in the white house? Wouldn't it be better to let President Bush get hoist in his own petard? The answer is that I think Senator Kerry is man enough to handle it.

Anyway that's enough for now. Not making a lot of sense today I suppose. Hang in there. Expect big changes to this website after the election is settled (which could be a couple of months). I'm not going anywhere, just changing. Change is good.

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