Monday, October 25, 2004

Fatboy's tripping

Apparently Tony Blair has been using the Fatboy Slim song "Right Here, Right Now" in his campaign. Well Fatboy Slim apparently isn't too keen on that.
I hated the idea that my mates might think I had sanctioned Labour’s use of the song, that on the sly I had been using a private hotline to Blair to cook up this plan and make a bit of cash.

The use of the song implies that I support Blair. Nothing could be further from the truth. The political voices I support are Tony Benn, Glenda Jackson and Ken Livingstone. People who are clearly left wing. I have a very specific opposition to the war in Iraq. It is an unnecessary conflict and Blair is primarily responsible for getting us into it.

I hope the public, and especially my mates, will realise that I have not sanctioned the use of 'Right Here..' and that I do not sanction the war on terror. I do not secretly hang out at Downing Street of an evening with my mate Tony Blair.
So word to the wise. Fatboy Slim's latest, Palookaville, is pretty tight, as I've already noted I think.

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