Sunday, August 29, 2004

Round the Horn, Sunday Sequel

LEFT is RIGHT has a piece on the Progressive Democrats of America which is well worth checking out.

MercuryX23's Fantabulous Blog has a story on a particularly great band and their political leanings.

Musing's Musing has a piece on our brilliant President who never reads polls or newspapers.

Pen-Elayne on the Web has an article on the recent dust up over passing secretes on to the Iraelis.

Respectful of Otters has an illuminating piece on the sort of campaign our beloved President is running.

Ricks Cafe Americain puts some of the Swift Boat Vets statements into perspective.

Rook's Rant has a bit on exactly how dirty this election is turning out to be.

rubber hose has a piece on that greatest of subjects, Spam from Africa.

Sooner Thought has the Seattle Time's endorsement of Kerry. Four years they endorsed President Bush, but have changed their mind.

Speedkill runs the numbers on a recent ad for George W. Bush.

Steve Gilliard's News Blogs has a piece on the protests in New York that is somewhat comforting to those who are worried (like me, I have to admit).

Trish Wilson's Blog has a nice story on Pro-Feminist Men.

Yellow Doggeral Democrat has an interesting exploration of the intersection of language and law in Guantenamo.

And that's the list I hope. I may not be updating very much for the next couple of days; hope that I will be able too, but we'll have to see what life has in store.

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