Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Color Blind Society

Interesting article by Michelle Malkin on how hard it is to be a journalist and a conservative and what is occasionally known as a person of color (she is Asian (at least she looks Asian in the picture)). Apparently there is a conference on diversity in journalism, but what really interests Ms. Malkin is that there be more diversity of opinion, not of skin color.

So, apparently, in order to test other reporters diversity of opinion she has prepared a questionnaire with such questions as "I supported Bill Clinton's impeachment" and "I believe Racial Profiling at the Airport makes sense" Basically her questionnaire is a list of 20 conservative positions, and gives reporters five points for every conservative position they take. After her questionnaire she says;

" I'm sure a large number of my culturally and ideologically diverse readers would earn a perfect score, as I did. What is the average score among UNITY attendees? Take the test, my fellow journalists of "diversity," and show us your true colors."

So basically the more conservative you are the more diverse you are? Makes perfect sense.

This is as clear an illustration of the Conservative commitment to ideological diversity as I have seen. In the long run Conservatives don't want ideological diversity; they want the adoption of Conservative principles. Ideological diversity is just a buzz word they've adopted to strengthen their own hand.

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