Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Another helpful service

The latest David Limbaugh column, "Several Questions for you, Senator," is out. To save time here's a condensed version of it.

I'm continuing to pretend that the Democratic Candidates, particularly Senator Kerry, have only criticisms for President Bush and no ideas of their own. I can't be bothered to look at Senator Kerry's speeches or his website to see what he's proposed, and frankly it plays better if I describe Senator Kerry as being strictly negative. But now i've got some question for Mr. Kerry.

Given that President Bush has trashed the economy how do you plan to play for some generic health care plan I got in my head after listining to you and the other Democratic Candidates?

We're all aware of the efforts President Bush has made to get along with Democrats, even going so far as to appear in photo ops with Democratic Congresspeople. And yet you people don't seem to completely support our wise and wonderful president; what makes you think you'll get on any better with other nations?

Conservative economists have worked hard to make the Bush Tax Cuts look like they aren't a windfall to the rich ; why then don't you just accept our analysis and ignore the evidence of your own eyes?

How are you going to balance the budget when we know for a fact that raising Taxes will slow the jobless recovery that's bringing happiness and chartered jets to Wall Street and little to nothing to the rest of America?

Probably there were some other questions too--something about Education and about how Kerry's a flip-flopping hypocrite. My guess is that Senator Kerry go up to David Limbaugh, slam him against a wall, yell the answers to his questions into his face, and tomorrow Limbaugh would be complaining about how Kerry has no positive program but just attacks on President Bush.

I mean, why say anything else?

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