Wednesday, February 25, 2004

And as Mr. Fantastic, Tony Blankley

For those of you are not up on your comics, Mr. Fantastic was this dude from the Fantastic Four who had the super amazing ability to stretch. This power proved useless, so he became a great scientist as well.

Well Tony Blankley's ability to stretch will be unquestioned once you hear about his latest theory on Kerry's mental health. As we all know Kerry served with honor and distinction in Vietnam. Well, now, far from being an asset, Kerry's military service may well have scarred him.

". . . there are those for whom the war becomes the great, personally defining event of their lives. It not only shapes, but also distorts, their perception of the world. Often this sort of man entered combat as an idealistic youth. Shocked by the brutality of war, they spend the rest of their lives failing to come to intellectual and psychological terms with the disparity between their youthful expectations and grim battle. These were good men, once. But they become spiritually damaged. Sometimes the more intelligent of these traumatized former soldiers turn to ideas, rather than liquor or opiates, to numb their troubled souls from their painful memories. World War I produced many such examples -- from the pacifist poets like Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen, to the sensitive cultural scholar and novelist Robert Graves, all the way to the demented ideologue Hitler.

Is John Kerry one of these types? Certainly he is not a Hitler.

Well it's good to know that Kerry probably isn't Hitler (but I'll bet that sentence was a last minute addition). But according to Tony Blankely, Kerry's service in combat may have left him with "an irrational obsession to never use force."

Yep there's the stretch for you. Of course having proposed the amazing theory, Tony Blankly offers no proof whatever for it. No examination of Kerry's record to suggest that he's always voted against force, for example.

In other news, I contacted my counterpart on a parallel Earth today to see how things were going over there. Apparently Howard Dean clinched the nomination over there. And wouldn't you know it, parallel Tony Blankley is writing about how Dean's lack of service in the military makes him, apparently, "pathologically afraid to fight." I guess Tony Blankley is consistent; Democrats are messed up in the head and can't be president no matter what universe he is in.

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