Friday, June 06, 2003

Police Cops

Robert Novak has lost it unfortunately. He's wandered off the reservation in his latest piece. It's a piece that lauds the Police Corps, an elite crime fighting organization. He contends that the program has largely been a success and could be useful in fighting terrorism. He comments that it is in danger of collapse due to lack of funding.

And this is his mistake. You see, Americans need tax cuts, and our President, among others, has assured us that we can cut taxes and still completely meet our obligations. Now that seems a dubious premise, but it is the only way these tax cuts will work.

So if Police Corps gets cut, I'm sure it was because it turned out to be a less effective program, not because this Administration is determined to cut taxes no matter what the cost.

All joking aside, the Police Corps program does sound like a good one, and I hope it gets funded. Write your congressperson.

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