Thursday, June 12, 2003

Back with a Bullet, It's Brandy!

Yep, Brandy who posts here from time to time is posting and we'd all like to welcome her.

First off, I agree that Hilary's book sounds dull...I don't think it's full of 'lies' just rhetoric...check out the NY Times review...almost funny.

Second...those infamous weapons of mass destruction...are you seriously suggesting that you don't think there were any there??? Come on Bryant...The UN reports (and lets remember here these are NOT American reports) CLEARLY stated the weapons Saddam had that he was NOT suppose to...many of which are under that ridiculously large cover of 'WMD'...we ALL know he had them! But since Powell wasted so much time with the UN he moved's like telling a kid -"ok, in 3 weeks I'm going to come check your room for the pot that I saw you bring in there"...even the dumbest of kids is going to move it to their friend Syria's house. And lets not forget the scud missiles he fired on our troops, or the gallons of liquid saraton (I'm sure I misspelled) that were found . . . what 'exactly' do the naysayers think they are going to find??

Lets look at this from another angle...let's 'say' Saddam never had any of the stuff reported from the 90's UN inspections...why wouldn't he let in the inspectors again?? Why would he have risked being over thrown or given away the chance to make the US look he really that much of an idiot. And the last thought...Where is Saddam, oh, wait, we can't find him...hmmm, I'm beginning to think he was never really there, just something Bush made up so we could attack poor Iraq.

Now, then...I actually have other concerns about, what is the next step (remember this was my concern 'before' the war) I feel our military will be unnecessarily harmed due to lack of the administration setting up a better plan for post-war. And What the hades is up with Bush criticizing Sharon for targeting a 'known' terrorist....Bush really gets me upset the way he half helps Israel and then ties their hands...I thought Bush said 'you're on one side of the line or the other...helping terrorists or getting rid of them'...and then he pulls this??

A few comments.

First, Powell did not go to the UN by himself--he went at the direction of President Bush. It's inconceivable that he would do what he did without the full knowledge and approval of President Bush, and if there is to be any blame for the delay it should be appropriately ascribed to President Bush.

As near as I can tell the "Saraton" that they found (I don't know the correct spelling either) was found at a munitions depot, and on further testing turned out to be chemicals used to maintain their rockets (story here). In addition, the mobile laboratories recently found are not clearly weapons factories either. Of course there for a while we found weapons of mass destruction every couple of days--if they definitively found them would Ari Fleischer be back peddling, claiming now that President Bush was using the terms "weapons of mass destruction" and "weapons of mass destruction programs" interchangeably?

I do applaud your concern over Iraq--The Bush administration seems torn between the absolute necessity of rebuilding Iraq and the conservative's long-standing animosity towards "Nation-Building." Makes what they are doing sort of half hearted, in my eyes.

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