Friday, March 05, 2004

I get winded just reading David Limbaugh

Let's take the first paragraph of his latest article, "Democrats unified around 'the Goal'"

"Have you noticed that Democrats don't have a vision, much less a coherent platform this election year?"

Can't say that I have noticed that, mainly cause it's not true. Although I'll take them down eventually, you can look over there the left and see that all the Democrats put forward positive ideas along with their attacks on President Bush.

"It's because they don't have serious alternative policies to offer the voters."

Well from David Limbaughs limited perspective this might be true. The clincher is "serious." If the Democratic candidates wrote their platform so it would seem "serious" to David Limbaugh, we would have something that looked exactly like the Republican Platform. So maybe placating someone who isn't going to vote for us anyway isn't the wisest course of action.

"But they are nonetheless united and motivated like never before, behind an overarching objective: defeating George Bush (the goal)."

And here we get to the route of the argument. I wonder if David Limbaugh ever feels any hypocrisy slamming Democrats for criticizing President Bush, after he and his brother and his fellow Conservative commentators have made such hey out of slamming into President Clinton. Probably not, but I like to consider it.

And that's just the first paragraph. Check out these other Gems

"Democrats are mostly against the war because they are against Bush, who is leading it. They had no objections to Clinton's interventions in Bosnia, Kosovo or, yes, Iraq."

Two things wrong with this. First many of those who protested President Bush's war in Iraq protested against these previous wars. Granted they didn't get as much news coverage, but the stakes didn't seem as high; which brings us to the second point. President Bush's invasion of Iraq was categorically different than anything Clinton did. The operations in Bosnia and Kosovo were approved by the U.N. and the international community, and President Clinton stopped short of a actually invading Iraq.

"It was never Kerry's policies or his charisma that attracted the Democratic base, because he had neither."

Here's a lie we're going to hear a lot over the next couple of months, both from Republican Firebreathers and Democrats upset that their favorite candidate didn't make it to the finish line first. Kerry is not as good a speaker as Edwards or Dean, but he's good enough. And he has policies. All you would have to do, Mr. Limbaugh, is visit his website and you could check out what they were. But I suppose then all you'd have to do is qualify your policies with the adjective "serious."

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