Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Cal Thomas is Upset

"Smaller government and less spending? That's a joke. Eleven years ago, Newt Gingrich, who would soon become Speaker of the House, blasted Democrats for seeing "no contradiction between adding a billion and a half dollars in pork-barrel (spending) for the politicians in their big-city machines and voting for a balanced budget amendment." Now that Republicans are doing precisely what Democrats did when they were in the majority, what shall we call these overspending Republicans? Hypocrites? Liars?"

He also castigates President Bush for promising to limit spending to cover the loss of revenue due to his tax cut.

I'm tempted to agree with Cal Thomas, but our solutions for the problem would be different, as I assume he would favor cutting needed services, and I favor a sensible revenue program (such, as maybe, taxing corporations? Cracking down on off-shore bank accounts?).

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