Tuesday, August 26, 2003

House of Cards

Apparently I'm not the only one frusterated with the prevelance of crappy decks of cards with "enemies of the state" on them. Bryant Jordan, writing at the Boston Globe (reprinted at Commondreams) writes about one deck in particular. Called America's Most Unwanted it seems a takeoff of the Axis of Weasels deck that was such a hit. It mocks Hollywood Liberals and members of the United States Congress

The problem, it is being put out by two active-duty Marines. And the Marine Corps Judge Advocate General has stated that they are allowed to do this.

"Basically, this means that the two officers have the Corps' blessing to hold up to public ridicule and scorn members of Congress who are opposed to the war in Iraq. Now, members of Congress hold themselves up to ridicule and scorn almost every day. Regardless, when the Marine Corps turns a blind eye to members of its officer corps publicly disrespecting congressmen over their views on the war, it has entered politics.

If the Marine Corps doesn't see it this way, it should wait until some of its officers market a deck that holds the administration up to the same kind of ridicule.

Something to consider. Personally I consider those decks (except of course the original one) to be mean-spirited bargain basement attempts at cashing in on war.

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